Dirty Pair Flash 2 Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue #DirtyPairFlash)

Dirty Pair Flash 2 Review
Dirty Pair Flash OVA 2

Dirty Pair Flash: Angels at World’s End
ダーティペアFLASH 2

Since the Community Anime Reviews site is all but dead, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB  note.”  😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.

–> Buy Dirty Pair Flash DVD Collection on Amazon.com!

Community Anime Review of Dirty Pair Flash 2

(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 09-Nov-2003. This review was based off of the original ADV DVD release, not the more modern RightStuf’s license rescue DVD set. )

Dirty Pair Flash 2

This OAV brings you two episodes concerning the series story and three wonderful filler episodes. The first episode brings you the story of World’s World computer system being infected and the attempts to kill Touma. When the episode ends, we don’t know who was behind the plot, only a theory. However, because the first episode ends with a two-week quarantine on the planet, this gives Yuri and Kei plenty of time to have some other adventures on the planet.

Dirty Pair Flash 2

The ghost story and the con artist story were pretty boring. However, I did enjoy the flower shop girl story. And then the series shifts back to the main story with a, “Oh yeah. This is what infected the system.” Unfortunately, we still don’t know who was behind all of this and we really don’t know why either. Hmmmm, why do I feel like I wasted 2.5 hours of my life not counting the time it took to get the screen capture and write this review? On the plus side, Yuri didn’t get on my nerves like she did in the first OAV.

Dirty Pair Flash 2

Bottom Line

It is not so bad as to be an “avoid”, but it really isn’t quite good enough to give it a “rent” either (though I did rent it to see it). The Japanese should have stuck with the original series and left this remake stuff.

Dirty Pair Flash 2

(ANB note: The CAR review rating system was “Buy”, “Rent”, “Watch”, and “Avoid”. I rented it from GreenCine.)

Dirty Pair Flash 2

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